The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness is a charitable organization registered as Charity No. 794 under the Barbados Charities Act, CAP 243, on October 19, 2009.
Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Shelter Client: #1
Gender: Male
Age: 62
Length of Time in the Shelter: Eight (8) Months
Programme Enrollment: 24 Hour Shelter, Better Me – Better Life (Social Benefits Savings)
I have been using the BAEH’s shelter for the past eight months and my experience has been good so far. We the clients have to abide by the rules, whether we like them or not. So I do my best to live up to the rules.
I have benefited from all the programmes offered to me here, including the individual and group counselling sessions and I have also benefited from the services offered when the medical personnel come to the shelter. I can’t say a bad word about none of the programmes.
The shelter has been of very good help to me, because I was sleeping everywhere before. When I went into the hospital and they told me they would put me in the shelter, I felt good that I would no longer have to be sleeping here and there. So I try not to violate the rules so I can stay.
Overall, I would rate the services of the BAEH as quite good.
Shelter Client: #2
Gender: Male
Age: 65
Length of Time in the Shelter: Over one (1) year
Programme Enrollment: 24 Hour Shelter, After Care, Better Me – Better Life (Care Quality Commission)
I have been utilizing the BAEH’s shelter for over one year. It has been very helpful to me in terms of getting myself in order, getting rehabilitated, helping me to abstain from drugs, especially cocaine and giving me various responsibilities. The shelter has kept me away from the streets and the elements. I feel at home here.
I feel really proud about my experience being here. It has given me a chance to get my act together in a positive way and it allows me to live on my terms. The people in here have been very helpful to me, especially Mr. Saffrey and his workmates. I have also benefited from the employment programme at the shelter and I have been able to find work.
I would recommend the shelter to other homeless individuals if they asked me a question about it, according to who the person is. However, I would be cautious about recommending it to persons who do not like to follow rules and regulations, because life is about discipline and in the shelter you have to have discipline.
Overall, I would speak very highly of the services offered by the BAEH, because it has been a stepping stone in my life. It would get a good rating from me.
Shelter Client: #3
Gender: Male
Age: 65
Length of Time in the Shelter: Six (6) Months
Programme Enrollment: 24 Hour Shelter
The shelter has been of great help to me. If I wasn’t able to stay here, I would have been on the street, not being able to sleep at night, but I can rest my head comfortable, without the fear of being attacked. So it has been a blessing for me. It could be a lot worse. I could be on the street rolling around in the dark. So in one word it has to be a blessing, because it gives me a place to rest my head and to get a shower instead of having to find a standpipe and I am able to get off of the streets at night. I also attend mandatory group counselling sessions at the shelter.
Why would other homeless people want to be on the streets when they could come to the shelter? I would definitely recommend it to others. I would recommend that they not get comfortable here however, as they might not want to leave. But you can come and rest your head in comfort, you can bathe yourself and there is access to food in and around the area that they can direct you to on certain days. They give you snacks and a bottle of water. If you are on the streets, I wouldn’t know why you wouldn’t come here and utilise what they are offering. It’s one hundred per cent better being here than on the streets.
I would say that the services offered by the BAEH are somewhere between good and excellent. In fact, I am leaning more towards excellent.
Shelter Client: #4
Gender: Male
Age: 58
Length of Time in the Shelter: More than (2) years
Programme Enrollment: Continuum Care, Better Me – Better Life (Social Benefits Savings)
I am trying to make some improvements in my life while I am here at the shelter, so things are improving.
So far, I have benefited from the BAEH’s AT The Crossroads programme to a certain extent, from the 24 Hour Shelter programme and from mentorship. If I could use one word to describe how I feel about my experience to date, it would have to be “comforting”.
The shelter has been of help to me. Based on the programmes I have experienced and the services offered, it has given me motivation and encouragement. The BAEH has also helped me find a bit of employment.
I would recommend the shelter to others who are homeless. Based on the services offered, I would tell them they have to try it. It’s better than what is out there.
Overall, I would give a good rating to the services offered by the BAEH.
The Mission of the BAEH is “to re-integrate vagrants and homeless persons into mainstream Barbadian society by providing a holistic rehabilitative programS that would enable them to develop into healthy productive citizens.”
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©2024 – The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness.