Homeless shelter opens new doors
The homeless in Barbados will now have a place to comfortably rest their heads following the official opening of the shelter by the Barbados Alliance
The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness is a charitable organization registered as Charity No. 794 under the Barbados Charities Act, CAP 243, on October 19, 2009.
Help us raise funds for our dedicated headquarters, a safe haven for the homeless. Your support will provide shelter and resources to help them rebuild their lives. Together, let's create a brighter future. Join us in bringing hope and transforming lives.
The Mission of the BAEH is “to reintegrate homeless persons back into mainstream society by providing holistic rehabilitative programs that would enable them to develop into healthy, productive citizens.”
ACCOUNT NAME: The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness
BANK ADDRESS: Broad Street, Bridgetown, Barbados, St. Michael
ACCOUNT: 009011389
ACCOUNT NAME: The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness
BANK ADDRESS: Broad Street, Bridgetown, Barbados, St. Michael
ACCOUNT: 028318242001
ACCOUNT NAME: The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness
BANK ADDRESS: Broad Street, Bridgetown, Barbados, St. Michael
SWIFT: FCIBBBBB The B’dos Vagrants & Homeless Society
ACCOUNT: 1001094340
Programs to assist our clients future
Breakfast is available every morning at the headquarters, providing a delicious start to your day with a variety of delectable options to choose from.
Allowing clients to receive assistance where ever they reside in their community.
Offers clients access to social servvice agencies, medical services, counselling, educational classes, employment preparation and placement.
Donations are an important aspect of our organization’s advancement. DONOR TODAY!
Through collaboration with Natur'e Discounts, BAEH was able to raise much-needed funding for our iPledge Campaign, geared at purchasing our shelter.
Government of Barbados, through the Ministry of Peoples Empowerment & Elder Affairs, has pledged its support to our cause
Porject Manage of The Maria Holder Memorial Trust, who has been a major donor for over 11 years.
US Ambassador Linda Swartz Taglialatela gives back to the homeless community for the US Thanksgiving celebration.
BAEH publications give you an insight into our work over the years; we see this as a significant avenue to keeping our clients, donors, and the general public updated.
The homeless in Barbados will now have a place to comfortably rest their heads following the official opening of the shelter by the Barbados Alliance
Name: Kemar Saffrey. Age: 27. Education: International Leadership School (ILS); Caribbean Nazarene College; Barbados Community College; St George Secondary School. Occupation: social entrepreneur, consultant and
Homeless Barbadians will soon have a warm place to rest their heads when the Barbados Vagrants and Homeless Society (BVHS) opens its 24-hour shelter during
The Barbados Vagrants and Homeless Society (BVHS) has been given a much needed $20,000 to fund its programmes which offer hot meals to those living
The Mission of the BAEH is “to re-integrate vagrants and homeless persons into mainstream Barbadian society by providing a holistic rehabilitative programS that would enable them to develop into healthy productive citizens.”
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©2024 – The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness.