+1 246 230 7641

+1 246 538 2480

The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness is a charitable organization registered as Charity No. 794 under the Barbados Charities Act, CAP 243, on October 19, 2009.

Amid all the noise about the country’s poor economic performance, the hardships an increasing number of people face and the never-ending list of social issues, there is clear evidence and a quiet assurance that Barbadians do care for their fellow man.

This is evident by the goodwill shown by a range of Barbadians to the rising numbers of people who head to Bridgetown to call the streets their home – whether the homeless, mentally ill, recently released from an institution or those simply unable to cope with the pressures of daily life. Various religious denominations have been reaching out to help, as have service clubs and kind-hearted individuals.

But none has had the impact as has the Barbados Vagrants & Homeless Society (BVHS) and more so its feisty young leader Kemar Saffrey. His labour-of-love efforts, with the focus on trying to change lives, have undoubtedly made a difference. Such has been the effect that when the Editors at THE NATION met to consider those who stood out for their role in Barbados during this past year, Saffrey was the choice for Personality Of The Year.
