The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness is a charitable organization registered as Charity No. 794 under the Barbados Charities Act, CAP 243, on October 19, 2009.
Donors | |
Accounting Students Association | Ian Brown |
Accra Beach Hotel and Spa | Island Heritage |
Alisha Barnett | Island Resorts Limited |
Anglican Church of Barbados | Islandworship |
Anthony E Clarke | Jennifer Courtenay |
Art & Reasoning | Josephine A. Terrelonge |
Barbados Association of Retired Environmental Health Officers | Laparkan |
Barbados Beach Club | Light & Power |
Barbados Community Foundation | Lisa Padmore |
Barbados Co-Op & Credit Union League | London Life and Casualty (Barbados) Corporation |
Barbados National HIV/AIDS Commission | Maria Robinson |
Barbados National Oil Company Ltd | Miami Beach Swimmers & Cruisers Club |
Barbados Public Workers | Ms. Charmaine Forde |
Berean Bible Church | National Conservation Commission |
Black Pearl/Jolly Roger | New Dimension Ministries |
Blue Corporate Managers (Barbados) Incorporated | Northern S.S. & Co. Ltd. |
Bougainvillea Beach Resort | Patricia Bowen |
Butterfly Beach Hotel | Patricia/Winslow Bowen |
Canada Trustco International Limited | Penticostal Assemblies of the West Indies PAWI |
Champers Restaurant | People’s Cathedral Church |
Chickmont Foods Limited | Regional Manager- Marketing |
Christ is the Answer Family Church | Reidar Karlsrud |
Confectionary & Snacks | Rose & LaFlamme |
Consolidated Finance Co. Limited | Rotary International (Barbados) Clubs: Bridgetown. South & West |
Cooper Kauffman Consultancy Limited | Saffrey’s Sound & Equipmrent Rental |
Co-Operative Credit Union Ltd. | Sandalwood Estate |
COSCAP | Sheila M Reece |
Courtyard By Marriott | Sol Caribbean Ltd |
D.C.I. “Design Create Innovate” | Sunbury Plantation |
Dave Angoy | Suzette Husbands |
David St. Pierre | T & M Gourmet Cheesecakes |
Debby Braithwaite | Tami Catamaran Cruises |
Digicel (B’dos) Ltd | The Barbados Light & Power Company Limited |
Dover Beach Apt. Hotel | The Chief Cornerstone Church |
Drapery Specialists (B’DOS) Ltd | The Crane Resort |
Dwellings Inc. | The Diabetes Association of Barbados |
East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists | The Past Scholars & Friends of St. Gabriel’s School |
Elegant Hotels | The Royal Barbados Police Force |
FAO | Tides Restaurant |
FLOW | Tracy/ John Howard |
Funeral of Alan Ivan Haig Carter | Verdun House |
Funeral of late Peter Blackman | Veronica Degia |
George Medford on behalf of Barbados Boy Scouts | WIBISCO |
Glacial Ice | Williams Equipment |
Gordan Brookes | Williams Industries Inc. |
Harry Mayers | Wilma L. Gibson |
HEG Engineering Services | Worldwide Church of God |
Helen Williams |
The Mission of the BAEH is “to re-integrate vagrants and homeless persons into mainstream Barbadian society by providing a holistic rehabilitative programS that would enable them to develop into healthy productive citizens.”
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©2024 – The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness.